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How Does A Hall Effect Sensor Work?
pratik r. sonawane
may 15, 2021
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without hall effect sensors, the evolution of motors, sensing devices won’t possibly happen. they on the phenomenon known as the hall effect. which was discovered by the famous scientist Edwin hall in 1879. you know without hall sensors bldc motors are useless.

Assume, we have a metal plate having four side.

connect a power supply or battery to the plate
a positive terminal at one end of the plate and the negative terminal at the other as shown in figure(a).

Meanwhile, charges start moving from the negative to the positive side through a metal plate as shown in fig(b).

When there is an external magnetic field perpendicular to the direction of the current flowing through the plate, charge Carriers that are flowing through a metal plate get deflected by Lorentz Force. Which producing the potential difference between the other two sides. this phenomenon is known as hall effect. as shown in figure(C), (D) and (E)
the hall effect sensors are used to sense the static magnetic field where as the inductor sensors need a change in the magnetic field. Which is a key difference between inductive sensors and hall sensors.

the hall effect sensors are used to sense the static magnetic field where as the inductor sensors need a change in the magnetic field. Which is a key difference between inductive sensors and hall sensors.
some practical and animations videos below
watch them better understanding…
hall effect phenomenon animation :
how hall sensor work (experiment) :

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